Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Transfusion #39

Just a short post to let you know that I had my 39th transfusion and 79th unit of blood yesterday. My Hgb was 8.9 though I felt like it was lower. I feel more tired these days for the same levels of hgb. It had been 14 days since the last, but the average is still 10.5 days between. White cell count was 4.7 and platelets were 325, both about the same for the last several months. There seems to be a slight long term drop in platelets, but that is what the anagrelide is supposed to do. It could indicate my bone marrow is making less platelets with the same dosage of anagrelide, but nothing alarming. If anything, like the increased frequency of transfusions, it could indicate that my bone marrow is starting to fail. Eventually, all my counts will drop to zero without a BMT.

33 days until hospital checkin. 40 days until BMT.

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