Thursday, June 11, 2009

Heading Home

The Drs were here this morning and said that I can go home after lunch. I had to see a dietician and have the IV removed from my jugular vein. I had a little scare after they removed the IV. It seemed like the solvent used to clean the bandage glue off my skin made me light-headed, flushed & hot and cough repeatedly. I called the nurse back, laid down for a while and everything cleared up

I will be on a restricted diet for a few weeks: no fats or lactose. My blood counts are coming back to normal and I have had several normal bowel movements. I am not scheduled to see the BMT Dr again until June 30, but may get back on phlebotomies before then.

I have been developing some numbness in my toes and had to cancel an appt with a neurologist last week. So I need to reschedule that appt and one for my orthopedist. Question is whether the numbness is related to my knee arthritis or the diabetes.

It may be a couple of weeks before my next post, but remember that you can sign up for automatic notification by using the "Atom" link on the lower right of this page. This has several options to keep updated on changes.

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