Friday, August 11, 2006

Another transfusion

As expected, I needed another blood transfusion this week. After getting back from the lake on Monday and feeling drug out, I went for a blood test on Tuesday, a day early. My Hgb was at 8.5 so I was back in on Wed for 2 units of "red blood cells, leuko reduced and irradiated", the typical fare. My white cells and platelets were essentially unchanged in the normal ranges.

If the previous paragraph sounds familiar, it is. Identical to two weeks ago though I was not tired on Thursday and logged a full 40 hrs (including 8 hrs vacation) for the week. As before, it does not appear that the Rituxan is working, but have another 2 weeks before discussing a possible BMT with my doctor.

Like two weeks ago, I am also working more on the cars. Replaced the battery in the van last night and plan to replace rear struts on the Malibu tomorrow. I did replace the front struts two weekends ago and will get a full 4-wheel alignment after this.

I visited my mother at the nursing home on Wed and again tonight. She still has a bladder infection, but is progressing with physical therapy. My sister and I played Scrabble with her, but she beat us after 5 rounds.

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