Saturday, March 28, 2009


I started having phlebotomies a year ago to reduce my iron level. I have been having them every two weeks except when my medical status would not allow. The count so far is 23. I may need 93 of them to match the number of blood transfusions from which I accumulated the iron. This is a rough estimate since the transfusions were packed red blood cells and the phlebs are whole blood. With at least 70 to go, it would take me another 3 years to get my iron back to normal.

Since others people having phlebs have tolerated them every week or even twice a week, I asked my Dr if I could get them more frequently. He agreed and Thursday I had another with only a week since the previous one. Everything went well. My hematocrit had recovered to 44 in the one week from the 45 level before the previous one. The hematocrit is checked before the phleb but not after. The threshold level to proceed is 38. My blood pressure dropped only a few points to 116/66 after the phleb. So I am now scheduled for phlebs every Thursday. If I can sustain this rate, I may be back in normal range within 18 months.

On the fluid front, I have not taken any Lasix since Monday. My weight has been steady at about 196 lbs and if it goes over 200, I will take another Lasix. Otherwise, I am feeling fine though tire easily and don't have the the physical strength that I used to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you can continue to tolerate the phlebs and that your iron rate continues to go down.

Ken Brandt