Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Transfusion #32

I didn't expect it to be so soon, but I will have another transfusion tomorrow (Thursday). This will make the count 65 units of blood. When I went in for my blood test and Aranesp shot today, my Hgb was down to 9.4. On Monday at Mayo Clinic, it was 10.1 and I did not expect it to drop .6 in two days. I ended up in the same situation as last week where my Hgb could drop below 9 by the weekend. I could not chance making it to next week since Monday is a holiday again (Martin Luther Day). I already had an appointment for a transfusion scheduled for tomorrow; just did not think I would need to use it. I was scheduled for a transfusion last week as well and then did not need it. I cannot predict the next week and cannot guess what my Hgb is going to be when I get it checked. Probably another symptom of my failing bone marrow and time to address the problem with a BMT.

My other blood counts are normal.


Anonymous said...

Sorry that you had to have another transfusion, but glad that you got an opinion from a world expert. Best wishes as you continue to think and plan.

Anonymous said...

Hi Joel, just read your latest blog. I know chocolate has loads of antioxidants (how spelled) in it. The darker the chocolate the better. JP and I have a piece everyday instead of other deserts. It has been proven,Look it up. We get Hersey darkest chocolate bars at Walgrens two for $3. Go for the BMT. You will have a lot of prayers behind you. God Bless, SAP & JP. Neighbors