Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Transfusion #33

I didn't expect it to be so soon, but I had another transfusion yesterday (Tuesday). This makes the count 67 units of blood. I felt so tired Monday morning that I went home from work at 11am and took a 2 hour nap. I then called the clinic and got in that afternoon, a day early for my blood test and Aranesp shot. My Hgb was down to 9.0 so they got me in for a transfusion on Tuesday instead of Thursday. I felt like my hgb was even lower then and needed a nap this evening as well. It was 12 days since the last transfusion and the running average over last 4 times is now 10 days. As typical over the last couple of months, I made an appt for a transfusion for next week (Thursday) as well.

My other blood counts are normal.


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for transfusions! It sounds as though they make a big difference. Glad you are taking naps when you feel you need to. MBH

Anonymous said...

I have been following your progress and I hope things go well with you. Like I said before take care of yourself first and the rest will follow. I know the way you worked in the past and I think you have always put too much time into it. Once you get your BMT (not the subway kind) and you start to feel better you can go back to your normal routine.
I do not have a google account so I signed write this under Anonymous. I will keep following your progess and be praying for you.

Your friend and X-Coworker.
