Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hgb - Chocolate Theory

Surprise, my hemoglobin was 11.1 today, the highest since last June when it hit 11.5. But at that time, it was after cutting my Anagrelide from 2 pills per day to 1. At that time my platelets also hit a high of 1050 which was not good. Within one week, I was back to 1.5 pills per day to get the platelets back down. I was still on Procrit at that time as well.

So what did I do different in the last week? Was it the eggnog, the turkey or the Aranesp? I had my second Aranesp shot last Tuesday, but then I had a little Hgb rise to 10.2 after Thanksgiving turkey as well. I also drank a gallon of chocolate milk last week and ate many helpings of chocolate candy. Chocolate seems like the best theory to me, so I will go have some more fudge.

Anyway, I do not need a transfusion this week and will be at Mayo Clinic on Monday. BMT decision time is getting closer.


Anonymous said...

Yes, it sounds as though your theory is a good one. Definitely a good excuse to enjoy some more chocolate fudge! MBH

Anonymous said...

That is a very cute little boy pictured on your home page. It's great that you have kept track of your childhood photos. MBH

Anonymous said...

We are all thinking of you and praying for you, and are so admiring of the way in which you are coping with this. It's great to see the nice photo and such a wonderful thing to begin writing your autobiography. I'm sure it will be very much treasured. We hope things at the Mayo Clinic go well. BJB