Monday, January 01, 2007

iWoz vs I AM

I recently read the autobiography of Steve Wozniak titled "iWoz". Steve was the creator of the original Apple computer. You can read my review of the book on my technical blog

After reading the book, I realized that an autobiography is an "I was" story. Considering my health situation, I have started my own autobiography, not to publish, but as a legacy for my family and future generations. Believe me, it is difficult to do under the circumstances, but something I wish all of my ancestors had done. It is difficult to remember those early years, even the later years. But every time I work some more at it, I cannot help but think of the future. What is in store for me over the next year? Will I survive a BMT? If I do, what torture do I have to endure from GVHD (Graft vs Host Disease)? Why me?

Then I remembered what God told Moses in Exodus 3:14, "I am who I am" and that Moses was to tell the Israelites, "I AM has sent me to you". God says his name is "I AM", not "I WAS". God is the same yesterday, today and forever. I just need to remember that through my belief in His grace that "I am" forever as well. This body is just my earthly home though I would like to live here as long as possible.


Anonymous said...

Your blog was thoughtful, profound, and inspiring. Good for you!

Ken Brandt

Anonymous said...

That is great that you are writing your autobiography, which I know will be cherished by your family and by future generations.
You are dealing with this health adversity that you are going through with a lot of class and are an excellent role model for the rest of us. Thank you for that. MBH