It is great to be at home and my condition has improved. My creatinine level has decreased some more to 1.49 while my hemoglobin has increased to 11.1 probably the highest in 3 years. White cell count is up a little in normal range while platelets are still struggling at the low end. Most importantly, my fluid retention is decreased and I weigh about 6 lbs less than when I left the hospital, but I still weigh about 6 lbs more than when I checked in.
I keep feeling better and eating better every day, but still feel nauseated after eating just a small portion of food. Taking all the pills don't help either. My taste buds, saliva generation and smelling still have not fully come back.
My wife and son are great support with all kinds of little supplies to buy or find for me. The brake light on the van and the ceiling light in the bedroom burned out. The furnace filter needed to be replaced. The lawn needed to be mowed and plants watered. A lot of things that I cannot yet do myself.
That is great that your creatanine is down and your hemoglobin is up! It must be great to be back home. Sorry to hear that you are still dealing with nausea. Hope that things continue to improve each day. Marge
I hope you got the hug I sent your way yesterday (via Marilyn)... It was great to see her smiling face!!! Isn't God amazing?!? So now you just have to learn how to rest while everyone else does the chores... not easy, but somebody's gotta do it.. :-) Enjoy the quiet times now... you know the lawn will keep growing, the filters will need another change and the flowers - well, you know how they are... Praying for a good appetite and adjustment to all the pills - how can you have any room to eat after those?!? Don't forget the daily dose of chocolate...
Glad you are feeling better every day.
Ken Brandt
Getting home is the best medicine of all. I'm sure you'll continue improving and will feel better every day. Take care and let us know if we can help with anything from work.
Jeff Lemaire
Yea! This is great. Will send silly book soon to make you smile techie.
Really glad to read you are at home now. I asked Karen Friday night if she had read an updated report - she had - and you were doing well. Now at home in the comfort of a recliner, a HD TV (they are great) and your laptop with 20" monitor (I'm jealous) its on the finish line for you. Great news. Reg
Hey, Joel! Thanks for reminding me to check our furnace filter! I'm glad to hear you are home and have Andrew and Marilyn to supervise... that is, you are their supervisor!
May God continue to bring improvements your way. Father's Day is coming so soak up all the support and love!
Dorrie & Brad
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