Today was another long day at the BMT Clinic. I forgot to mention yesterday that I had a chest x-ray which the Dr said today showed fluid on my lungs. He ordered an EKG and an echo cardiogram which I had this morning. He wants to rule out any heart problem that might cause the lung fluid retention. We won't know results until tomorrow.
I also had an infusion of 4g of magnesium today. That's the equivalent of 10 pills. I am now taking 4 pills a day at home. These two seem to be the major issues for the moment while we wait for results from the bone marrow biopsy.
With travel, we were away from home 6 hours and then behind on medicines. My wife drove me home and then had to pickup my daughter (backup support) at the airport. Tomorrow, my son graduates from high school while I watch on cable TV. Sunday afternoon, he has a party at church while different family members take turns visiting with me about 1/2 mile away. It is great to now have both daughter and son to help in the home care. My wife returns to teaching school for another week. I feel like a king in my throne (recliner) while people do things that I cannot do. Most are things I could do, but need to minimize exposure to germs.
Hi Joel,
Sounds like the biopsy you had yesterday was not fun. Hang in there, I'm sure there are better days ahead. I'm not sure I like the sounds of you "feeling like a king"! Just remember, you will be coming back to work and I don't think you "feeling like a king" will work around here.:) So enjoy that while you can we're all pleased that your being taken good care of. john
I am glad you have a nice recliner and a good TV screen. Maybe you could get some good movies to watch. Some of my favorites are King Ralph, with Peter O'Toole; Mrs. Miniver (WWII movie); Casablanca; and My Favorite Year (again with Peter O'Toole). I'm sure you have "old favorites" of your own, too. Marge
Hey Joel,
Keep up the good work! I continue to check up on you via this site and pray for your continued success.
Joe M.
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