Sorry for the delay in posting, but my mother died last Monday. My sister called from the hospital just before lunch and my mother died in our arms about 3 hours later. It was difficult to tell whether she could comprehend anything we said to her in those final hours, but I imagine that she was more concerned about us and was in perfect peace, knowing she was going to a better place in heaven. We recited the 23rd Psalm as she took her final breaths. I personally gained strength from this experience, like a direct channel to heaven was open for her and we shared in the power of God accepting her soul. May I be as peaceful and trusting in the end.
Thankfully, my blood counts were good on Wed. My hemoglobin was 10.2, where by past experience the week after a transfusion, it should have been closer to 9.3. My platelets were fairly level with previous weeks. Anyway, it gave me added strength for the week and the funeral on Saturday.
I didn't work the rest of the week, but spent a few days putting together a photo slideshow tribute of my mother's life, from her baby picture to her obituary. I had a lot of recent pictures from her 89th birthday party on August 20. I even scanned pictures from my mother's home on Friday night. The funeral home had a large screen tv which I used to cycle through the pictures throughout the visitation. One of these days I will get these posted on my web site as well.
The many tributes to my mother were tear-jerking. I was composed until my niece, Lori, spoke about my mother as a "Super Woman" who just kept going, working and serving everyone in any way she could. Lori related a story of when she was 8 and asked my mother if she could eat Thanksgiving dinner in the new living room with her big cousins. Then she accidently dumped her full dinner from the tv tray unto the new carpet. My mother did not get mad, but cleaned up the mess while comforting my niece and making her feel at ease. That was my mother, always gracious and never getting mad. After Lori's story, I was an emotional wreck and could not speak myself. Thanksfully, there was no shortage of tributes to my mother's life.
Remember the butterfly story about my father in my last post and the butterfly that showed up in the floral arrangement when I was in the hospital in Nov 2004. Why, there was also a butterfly at my mother's birthday party, there was one on the newspaper section of her obituary and also one on the program for her funeral. Coincidence? No, God-incidence as I once heard in a sermon. The butterfly has now emerged in a new heavenly body.
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