Saturday, September 30, 2006

Blood stats

Not a whole lot to report this week. I actually worked 41.5 hrs while getting in my blood test and taking Andrew to the doctor for his nose checkup. My blood stats are 9.8 for hemoglobin, 5.0 for white cells, 502 for platelets and 16 for Factor 2. Of primary interest is that my platelet count has actually dropped from 573 last month even though I reduced my anagrelide by 1/3. The last time my Anagrelide was dropped to this level, my platelets shot up from 259 to 1050 in 5 days though I also had just finished by the IgG transfusions.

I am sure that my hemoglobin will drop next week and I will have another blood transfusion . I also have another doctor appointment so may learn about what to expect next.

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