Tuesday, May 30, 2006


The detour is more complicated than I suspected though it was a good idea to stay home and not travel. After helping Anna move on Saturday, I felt a sore throat starting. Sunday morning, I could hardly speak. Went back to bed and by noon, I had the chills and a temperature of 101.5. When it reached 102.8, we called the triage center and headed for the emergency room. Temp peaked at 103 before they started antibiotics. Xray and CT Scan showed that I had pneumonia, but no blood clots. My Hgb was 10 and white cells were 26000. I have gone through a couple of days of antibiotics and cycles of chills and sweats, but feel pretty good at the moment. But then just 4 hours ago, my temp was back up to 101.8 but just now was 100. I may have a few more cycles of temperature swings before this is over. Doctors just breezed through as well, said I would go on an oral antibiotic and that I could probably go home tomorrow. I told Marilyn that she should know I was sick since I had not been on a computer for two whole days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry you were sick witn pneumonia.
Glad they diagonosed it however.
We had a good trip home and back.
Did some work on roof and cleaning up in back shed.
Hope to talk with you by phone tonite.
Our prayers are going up to the throne of grace for you.