Thursday, May 11, 2006

Hgb back up

Well, I had a blood transfusion on Monday and a blood test today. My Hgb is back up to 10.5 and my platelets are 446 (holding steady). Since my Hgb was 8.2 last Thursday and it would have dropped further during the 4 days before my transfusion, it appears that the IgG is working. The two units of blood should have raised the Hgb about two points. It will be interesting to see what it is next week before I get some more IgG.

I also had a birthday, turning 58 on Tuesday. I am thankful for all the cards and gifts that I received, but primarily that I am still with all of you 18 months after my initial blood clot in November, 2004. Thanks for all of your support over that time as well.

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