Saturday, February 11, 2006

Body, Blood & Breath

Over the past week, I have created this blog and recollected my health experiences over the past couple of years. I have documented the facts as best that I know them, but with little emotion. Looking back, it may seem depressing to you, as it has been to me a few times. Why has this happened to me? What is in store for me? Why do bad things happen to good people?

I believe there is a purpose in all of this and that I have been uniquely prepared for this purpose. This blog is a continuation of that purpose which I first recognized over 20 years ago. Earlier chapters of “My Story” are documented in a web site named “Story2tell”. Follow the link in the right column to read more.

In summary, the problems with my body, blood and breath are infinitely overcome by the body and blood shed for me by Jesus Christ and the breath and power given to me through the Holy Spirit. I pray that through this blog, this power and strength will be shown to you and that through your prayers, God’s power can be directed back to me.

Please come back and comment if you wish. Your experienced feedback on health or faith will be appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your story with us!

Anonymous said...

very good site

Anonymous said...

This is really a good blog site. Our prayers are with you.