Since my BMB still showed 95% hypercellular activity and my reticulocytes were over 10%, my hematologist decided it was time to try another tack and prescribed prednisone. The thought is that my autoimmune system is killing off my red blood cells and prednisone would test the theory. I started with three 40 mg doses per day and have felt great at first. I was all fired up the next day, but had problems getting to sleep.
The second day, I experienced severe pains in my legs and suspected blood clots. Actually, some of the pain was like a sharp knife stuck right into my thighbone. I had ultrasound on my legs, but found no clots. The prednisone was then reduced to one dose of 60 mg and I have only experienced one minor episode of pain since and that was handled with some Tylenol.
Good news is that my Hb is back up to 9.0 and has actually been steady for the last two weeks. Platelets are also down to 333 and my Factor II is right on target at 20%. White cell count though is up to 13.2. I feel great and even worked extra hours this week.
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