Saturday, May 02, 2009

Diabetes Testing

I had an appointment with the Diabetes Clinic on Thursday afternoon after I had my phlebotomy in the morning. A physician assistant (PA) reviewed my lab history over the past 4 years and gave me an A1C test. This test is kind of an average of the blood glucose level over the past 120 days, the average life of a red blood cell. My A1C level was 5.9% while my glucose level that day was 163 mg/dL which doesn't quite correlate. Seven percent is supposed to correlate with 150 mg/dL. I picked up a One-Touch blood glucose tester for home use and since have seen a range of 103 before breakfast yesterday to 252 just before dinner today. I will monitor it for a couple of weeks and then the PA will determine what is next. It could be Type II diabetes, but almost certainly elevated due to the high levels of prednisone that I have been taking for the last 2 years. We discussed possible medicines to use in lieu of insulin shots.

My hematocrit has started recovering after the phlebotomies, 42.6 this week after 40.8 last week. Next week I see the liver specialist on Tuesday and have my 2-yr bone marrow biopsy on Friday. This is the 11th biopsy which involves sticking a big needle into my hip bone. Saturday is actually my 2-yr re-birthday since the BMT as well as being my actual birthday, 61 yrs ago. On May 12, I meet again with my BMT doctor and review the biopsy results. I will report next after that appointment.


Anonymous said...

What a miserable process! Hope there is some good news in the future.

Ken Brandt

Anonymous said...

Let us know about your biopsy and other tests.
Keeping you in prayer.