I was to the Clinic twice this week, once on Tuesday and then today. On Tuesday, we learned that the endoscopy showed no GvHD in the upper GI tract but I was still having some diarrhea so I was told to obtain another stool sample. My hemoglobin was down to 9.1 the lowest it has been since before the BMT. My creatinine level was very high reflecting lower kidney function so I also received some IV fluids while at the clinic. The Dr also dropped the GenGraf for a few days and lowered the Acyclovir.
So today I received 2 units of blood (rbcs) and some more magnesium. My creatinine was down and I have had little diarrhea so was not able to get a sample. The Dr has now restored the GenGraf at a lower level and the Bactrium which I also did not take this week.
I was tired due to the low hemoglobin the last few days but my digestive system seems a little better. We are in a period of balancing the side effects of the medicines versus the benefits. Drs say the fluctuating hemoglobin is still ok this early in the recovery, but I worry that my old autoimmune system is still in effect.
Hope to learn more next week after another bone marrow biopsy on Friday July 6 plus a regular appt on Tuesday July 3. There will be no time off on the 4th for me; I will be here popping about 30 pills a day.
We keep praying that you will recover. We hope that auto-immune problem will be overcome. We pray for you for patience and strength for the days ahead. Let's continue to praise God for the progress s far.
Hey ho, Joel.
Not everyone could escape the police if they said they were mainlining 30 pills a day. Definitely a historic incident in anyone's life. I'm expecting a review of the best televised fireworks presentation on your huge TV and maybe an update on when you picked up your IPhone.
Will look for your body to pick more human and positive directions as well.
I'm hanging in there for you.
Glad you are "hanging in there."
Ken Brandt
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