Monday, April 30, 2007

It's a Go for BMT

I just got word from the BMT Clinic that the BMT is moving forward. Both my brother (the donor) and I have been given a clean bills of health. I check into Fairview University Hospital at noon on Tuesday and have a central line placed at 1:30 pm. Chemotherapy to wipe out my old bone marrow starts on Wednesday. I have radiation on Monday and then receive the BMT on Tuesday, next week.

I went to work this morning for a few hours. Cleaned off my desk and filed a few more things. Then came home home and mailed my last Health Care Reimbursement Request for the year. There is plenty of things I need to do around home, but I think I will take a nap for a few hours.


Anonymous said...

Hi Joel,
Just read your blog again. You surely have been through the mill but so tahnkful the BMT is a go, that you and Jim checked out good. You continue in our prayers. The Lord is faithful. "The eternal God is our refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms."Deut. 33:27. The Lord is bearing you up. You're not going through this alone. We love you and entrust you into the Heavenly Father's strong arms.
Charlotte & Dave
P.S. Our prayers are with Marilyn, Anna, Andrew too.

Anonymous said...

Joel, We are thinking of you and praying for you. Love, Marge and Donald