Thursday, December 21, 2006

Transfusion #30

Well, I had another transfusion today. While pretty routine now, the biggest story was in the scheduling. Prior to my previous transfusion on Wed, Dec 13, my Hgb was 8.2, so it was no surprise that my HGB was 9.3 yesterday. Because of the Christmas holiday coming up, I pushed for a transfusion on Friday. But there was no room at the "Inn". All of the alternative clinics at the Fairview U of MN medical center were booked up. The earliest that I could get in was on Tues, Dec 26. By then, my Hgb would certainly be close to 8 and wouldn't have the energy to really enjoy Christmas.

My doctor said he would "throw his weight around" to get me in, but called me back this morning saying that "he was not heavy enough". I had two alternatives: check into the hospital or go to the emergency room, either of which insurance might not pay for. Of course, if I did have real shortness of breath or heart problems like I did back in March (Hgb dropped to 5.9), I would have no problem going to the emergency room.

So after deciding I would wait until Tuesday, I received a phone call at work this morning. The Day Hospital where I have my transfusions had a cancellation and my blood was ready. The big snow storm (2" for us) caused someone to cancel, providing time for me. It also turned out that I no longer need to wait 2 days for a blood match, since my Coombs test is now negative.

So I had my 30th transfusion and 61st unit of packed red blood cells during mid-day and made it back to work for a few hours this afternoon. Instead of dragging this weekend, I should be at my highest energy (Hgb) level since June. I also have made an appt for Jan 3 for another transfusion so that I don't get caught in the after New Years scheduling rush.

Since I probably will not post again until next week, remember that "Jesus is the reason for the season." Have a Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you could get in for the transfusion, and hope you are having a nice Christmas!