Friday, November 03, 2006


Well, I reached a milestone of 51 units of blood received since June 2005. Over the last 9 times, the average time between has been essentially 2 weeks. I also have one scheduled for next week (Nov 9) to get ahead of the curve and prepare me to make it through the conference in Texas, Nov 13 - 16.

This has been a strange week health-wise. On Monday after my blood test at noon, I went back to work for a hour, then felt very tired and went home to bed. I worked a little at home to account for 6 hours. Tuesdays, I was all energized and worked 10.5 hours. Wednesday, I had the blood transfusion and worked 6 hours, 3 during the transfusion. Thursday, I worked 5 hours before going home with a bad headache at 1 pm and slept for 3 hours. Today, I felt better and worked 10 hours. In all that, I ended up taking 3 hours of sick time.

I may have some small virus since my white cell count was up to 7.3 on Monday. My Hgb was 8.6 (typical), but my platelets were up to 555. Strange though that I have energy one day and not the next. Other MPD patients have much more bouts of fatigue though.

I downloaded a new iTunes song this past week. Sung by Janet Paschal with great lyrics which I wish I had for you. The title says it all: "It won't rain always". Check it out for $.99 at the iTunes music store, the only way I buy music any more. iTunes is free for either Mac or Windows.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I admire your ability to be flexible--to come home and rest when you feel lousy and then to go back and work when you feel better. Sounds as though you are on a sort of roller coaster but that you are just "going with the flow." Sounds like a good way to do it. I am trying to do the same with my frequent colds. It's amazing how little work tasks that seem unbearable when one feels lousy are quite do-able when one feels better. Hope your trip to Texas goes well but that you stop and rest whenever you need to. Marge