Saturday, October 14, 2006

More blood in stool

Since my last doctor appt, I took 3 stool samples in for testing on Wed. One the three showed blood confirming what it looked like to me. I assume the doctor still feels it is a bleeding hemorrhoid.

My other blood counts were typical: Hgb of 9.5, white cell count of 4.5, platelets a little lower to 439 and Factor 2 of 14. I reduced my Coumadin for one day to raise the Factor 2. I took my last Procrit shot on Monday. It supposedly took the Procrit some time to take effect so I expect I wouldn't see any big change this week. We suspect that it not helping anyway and my Hgb will not change from its current two week cycle.

I will probably need another transfusion on Thursday, but also need to break the two week cycle. I plan to attend a conference in Texas during Nov 13-16 which is 4 weeks away. I will try to get extra blood on Nov 2 or 9.

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