Wednesday, April 05, 2006

More IgG

I was in for blood test yesterday and saw the Dr this morning. My Hgb was down to 9.7 and my platelets were up to 907, proving that reducing the Anegrelide did more harm and questionable good. I am now back to my original prescription of .5 mg per day. Also since my Hgb is starting to drop, I will get more IgG on Friday. Dr plans to repeat IgG every two weeks over the next three months while monitoring the results. My Factor 2 was also still up at 37, out of the target range of 15-25, so my Coumadin is being adjusted as well. While Drs do not think there is a connection between these three medications, my bet is that my Factor 2 will be below 15 next week and we will be adjusting that again as well.

Psalm 6:2
Be merciful to me, LORD, for I am faint; O LORD, heal me, for my bones are in agony.

I mentioned before that my arthritis has been acting up again since I quit the Prednisone. My right knee locks up some times, especially when I roll over in bed and bend my knees to avoid the twist from my feet. I have completed the week dose of Acyclovir for my "emerging" shingles with no change to the ache, numbness and warmth in my neck. The Dr thinks that the "bumps" on my neck possibly from shingles have disappeared, but I haven't noticed any difference. So next week I see an orthopedist to have a look at both problems. I am also allowed to again take Aleve which seems to help the arthritis pain somewhat better that Tylenol.

It is a little frustrating to still not have a solution to my problem, but I am encouraged that the IgG seems to work and look forward to getting more energy from a higher Hgb level.


Anonymous said...

You continue in my prayers that the Lord will continue to give wisdom to the medical staff and strength and hope to you. It certainly is a complicated situation. May you know the Lord's peace and joy.

Anonymous said...

Gosh. I hope they come up with something.

Ken Brandt

Anonymous said...

We will keep praying that the doctors will get all the treatments and medicines adjusted right.
Thanks for your witness of faith in God and Jesus through all of this.