Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Improvement Continues

I was in for a blood test this morning and found out that my Hgb is now up to 10.6 from 10.4 last week. This is not a significant change, but great since it did not drop. The true test is next week when it may drop due to the IgG getting depleted. If so, I may need some more IgG or another blood transfusion. I also see the Dr then and get his opinion on what happens next.

My platelet count was also up to about 600 from 187 two weeks ago when I reduced the Anagrelide to every other day. Dr wants to watch that for another week before deciding what to do. He also decided to keep me on the Procrit so I am getting another 4 weeks of injections to take at home. I took my last Prednisone today. Had tapered down to 10 mg per day in the last week from initial dosage of 120 mg two months ago.

I am feeling pretty good and can tell that my Hgb is above 10.


Anonymous said...

Is that platelet count of 600 bad?
Glsd the Hgb is good.

Anonymous said...

Dear Joel,
It is encouraging to see that your hemoglobin hasn't dropped in the last week and actually went up a little. My platelets were 759 last week. I suppose with your high platelet count, you are susceptible to blood clots. I continue to pray for your health and well-being and that of your family also. I need to get in touch with Marilyn about birthdays. Today is Andrew's. I didn't get his card sent as I thought I would give it to him when we get together.
Steve comes on March 31 so I hope he can get to see the extended family while here.
Blessings on you.

Njerd said...

Normal platelet counts are bewteen 150,000 and 450,000 per micro-liter. The highest I had was 723,000 back in August when the Dr doubled my Hydrea prescription. When that also affected my Hgb, they switched me to Anagrelide in Sept. Yes, it more of a factor with my other blood clotting problems.