I finished my ivIgG yesterday and drove home from the hospital. Marilyn drove to the hospital, but you know the "man" has to drive home. When I walked out to the car, it felt a little cold. I then remembered that I gave Andrew my jacket in the emergency room and he took it home.
Anyway, feeling much better today. Andrew and I shoveled about 10" of snow from the driveway. He did most of the heavy lifting, but I stayed with him shoveling the edges and cleaned off both cars. We then drove the van out the unplowed street and bought another shovel to replace one that disappeared this morning.
I changed my comments setup so that you should see any additions almost immediately. I had it set for my review and approval since Anna had received some nasty anti-Christian comments on hers. I need to have her show me how to delete comments if such occurs, though I may have a different setup with the special domain name.
Too bad you and Andrew didn't come over and shovel my car out. I got stuck for an hour and a half moving my car to the back alley. I helped one neighbor push her car out when she was stuck, thinking that then she would help me, and instead, when she was free, she drove away. I had to go and wake Sara up who was home sick to help me. then I decided to take the bus, which took an hour to come.
Dear Joel,
It was good to see you on Sunday. I know Mom was glad she could visit with you. Glad to hear you are doing better, even clearing snow. As Mom and I were leaving the parking ramp on Sunday a woman backed into me with her 99 Jeep. She said, "Didn't you see me?" I had the right of way. I called her insurance company yesterday and tomorrow I will take the car in for an estimate. The rear door on the driver's side got scraped and dented in. Maybe I won't get anything for damages if they believe her story. Most of my fender benders take place in parking lots and ramps. At least no one was hurt.
I didn't work yesterday. It was nice to have a whole day at home. I got a workout shoveling snow.
I'm praying for you, for a miracle if the Lord wills.
Hope you continue to feel good.
Ken Brandt
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